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Luxottica in prima linea per aiutare l’Australia
21/12/2019 Blue Mountains, National Park, Nuovo Galles del Sud, nell'area delle Montagne Blu gli incendi continuano a distruggere i boschi causando danni ingenti a persone e animali, nella foto un militare su un elicottero dell'esercito in ricognizione *** Local Caption *** The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is continuing to support Emergency Management Australia in firefighting efforts around the country. Navy’s MRH-90 Taipan helicopters based at HMAS Albatross in Nowra have evacuated residents at risk on the New South Wales South Coast and continue with day and night time aerial fire mapping. An additional MRH-90 forward-deployed to western Sydney, has facilitated access by specialist RFS personnel to properties under threat from advancing fire in the Hartley Vale region. The helicopter was also tasked to support personnel evacuation and property assessment in the Blue Mountains – Lithgow region. ADF liaison officers are working side by side with emergency services personnel in the State Disaster Coordination Centre (SDCC) and within the New South Wales Rural Fire Service Headquarters. Defence is also providing transport and other capabilities such as aviation ground support, logistics, engineering and accommodation to support the firefighting effort.
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